I find John Cage’s personality very interesting but also inspiring in a way. I think his creative ability and passion towards his form of art is something unique. I do find it strange what he did but I also find it “cool” because he thought outside of the box and did not let anyone get in his way of making his point. I think his love for “silence” and the idea behind “4:33” not only changed music into more of an art but I think it challenged people to think differently. It challenged people’s comfort zones and idea of the norms for music. The most inspiring part though, is the fact that John Cage continued to dedicate his life to his work and did not let any of the criticism stop him. His confidence and drive was moving in a way because it takes a whole lot of passion and strength to push through the amount of hate he got for his work. The creativity behind changing instruments into new sounds and objects into instruments is a super fun idea to me. When people think of playing an instrument their first thought is not to make their own sounds with objects; it’s more so to grab a guitar or violin and get learning. Another interesting aspect to Cage’s work is that a lot of people saw it as meaningless sounds but Cage did not. All of the sounds had a purpose and a timing. He said “There seemed to be no truth, no good, in anything big in society. But quiet sounds were like loneliness, or love, or friendship.” He changed the sounds in his music based on the feelings he wanted to express and make people feel. I don't really know what I would define “music” as but I do have to say that after listening and reading about John, I do think that any sound can be music. I think if we think about music this way we will see the beauty in it even more because life itself is a beautiful song.
