"Sunday Morning at the House"

Artist Statement:
When I first listened to the sounds for this project I had no idea what direction that I wanted to take with them. It was also hard for me to not want to make what typical music sounds like. Music to me has a certain rhythm and in a way makes sense but John Cage's music does not necessarily. As I started listening to more of the sounds in the shared folder I got the idea of creating a scene. I came up with the idea of "Sunday Morning at the House" because I thought that I could create this feeling of familiar sounds to people to feel like a typical Sunday morning in my eyes. I included sounds of making breakfast, doing chores around the house such as vacuuming and doing the laundry, and just quiet calm moments. The sound goes on to making coffee then heading outside to sit on the porch and listening to the birds in the morning. The morning "ends" with getting into a car and driving off to work. Even though the sounds are all random and strange I wanted them to have meaning just like how Cage in a way had certain moments for his sounds too like they had purpose. I intended to make it kind of slow because I feel like mornings are in a way relaxing, quiet, slow and then random things happen. I think that the sounds worked out pretty well but I think that I could have done better with the transitions of the sounds.
