During my video my roommate trips into a world where gluten and dairy are trying to tempt her when she is looking for something to eat. This is supposed to be making my struggles with being gluten and dairy intolerant a humorous visual of what I deal with every day. Being gluten and dairy intolerant is something I found out recently and that used to be all I ate all of the time, so not being able to have it is very difficult for me on the daily. I tried to portray all of the different temptations that happen throughout the day by using a commercial at the beginning of the video, all of the dairy and gluten in my kitchen, and other people around me eating the things that I can't have.
I really enjoyed the creativity that I got to use with this project but working with premiere pro was very frustrating for me. I had two instances where my laptop crashed and erased everything on my computer so I had to restart twice. Premiere pro also made my computer glitch a ton so the project was difficult to keep up to speed. I did have a fun time learning how to animate and mess around with video though because I will use those skills in the future (maybe with just a better computer :)