I plan to go through the folder and just listen to all of my sound options and write down my favorite ones that I think will work well together. I will consider the ones that will be able to come in and change the dynamic of the current sound to allow it to transition to new sounds because I do not want it to sound the same the entire time as that will get boring. I want my soundscape to be random and unique but I also want it to make sense. I want to keep the listener wondering what they are listening to and why at that moment. I want to have moments that are loud and then moments that get real quiet to draw the listeners attention back in to a deeper reflection. I am not sure exactly how I want to do these things with the random sounds but I know that I will play around with the timing of the "aggressive" sounds vs. the ones that are more calm and quiet. I also know that I want to use more than ten sounds because I think the more sounds the more interesting the soundscape becomes.
